Writing a correlated subquery with SQLAlchemy
Charles-Axel Dein
We have two tables:
- Folders (
) - Milestones (
: i.e. when the milestone will happen)
A folder has multiple milestones. We would like to get each folder as well as its most recent milestone.
As usual with SQLAlchemy, it is a good idea to start by writing the query in plain SQL. Here's one way to do it (see 4 Ways to Join Only The First Row in SQL):
select *
from folders f
join milestones m on m.id = (
select id from milestones m
where m.folder_id = f.id and f.company_id = ... and m.is_done = false
order by `value` asc
limit 1
And here's how to write it with SQLAlchemy:
subq = (session.query(TMilestone.id).filter(
TFolder.company_id == company_id).order_by(
query = session.query(TFolder, TMilestone).join(
TMilestone, TMilestone.id == subq)
res = query.all()